The Underground Playbook For Growing Your Company Online...
The Most Important Things I Learned In 9 Years Of College, Condensed & Simplified For You
The Most Important Things I Learned In 9 Years Of College, Condensed & Simplified For You
(Watch The Video, Then Join The FREE Challenge )
The Rest Of This Video Will Blow Your Mind
*Full Disclosure - I Have Never Released This Outside of My Practice. Join the challenge to get the rest of the video and much more. 
β€œIt was A-MAZING! Love how passionate & fact/research based the presentation was.” – Michelle Brueggeman

I learned so much today! The amounts of food I put in my mouth that I thought were good (That were terrible) blew my mind! Calli McAlpine   

Fantastic! Explained everything in an easy to understand way. Steve is super passionate about health and fitness. You can tell he really wants to help. – Lisa Montague
(It's Loaded Up With Literally $1,000 In Tools You Actually Need, Exposed Secrets, And Extra Bonuses...For FREE)
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*This retails for $1,000, but I need beta testers! I just ask that you USE all the secrets, tools, and bonuses and give me feedback as you go (you can start instantly from anywhere in the world). Your information is secure and will not be shared.
Watch This Short Video To See Everything You are Getting. It's Crazy! 
There's A Reason People Pay Me $5,000 Per Day For These Secrets...
"How To Instantly Cut Through The Noise And Get CLEAR On What You Need To Do..."
"...The Quick Trick To Get Your Family & Friends On Board To Actually HELP You Do This"
"EXPOSED: The Single Biggest Mistake To Avoid That'll KILLS All Your Progress..."
"The 2 Secret Weapons To Make Your Results PERMANENT (No Big Changes Needed)"
Hurry, I Can't Handle A Million People Joining The Challenge...Be One Of The Lucky Ones That Got In!
In Case You're Wondering If You Should Join The Challenge...
"You Absolutely MUST Have This To Get Healthy & STAY Healthy..."
Join the Clarity Challenge To Get Completely Clear On HOW To Lose Weight Forever, Love Yourself Again, AND Have More Energy Than Your Kids... 
  • The 'Every Day Is Your Wedding Day' Secret to NEVER Falling Off The Wagon Again (Yep, You'll Feel Like That Every Day!)
  •  The 'Great Refrigerator Purge' -A simple must-do step to get the POISON out of your fridge...that just about everybody does wrong
  •  The "One Step Away From Me Coming and Cooking For You" Meal Plan -NOT another one of those fad diets that's here today and gone tomorrow...
  •  My 'Woah That Was Easy' Trick to get your mindset right, so you can actually know WHAT information to trust and what information to ignore...
  •  The 'Function Diagnosis' that'll tell you the TRUTH about where you're at and what it'll be like for you every step of the way on your path to taking your health and happiness back 
  • πŸ’° FREE BONUS --> Order To Find Out!
  • πŸ’°πŸ’° FREE BONUS #2 --> Order To Find Out! 
  • πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’° FREE BONUS #3 --> Order To Find Out!!
Total Value In The Clarity Challenge --> $1,000

...and you get to try it for FREE. 

Yep, not $5,000 like you'd have to pay for my one-on-one full day consulting to share 
these same secrets...

Or even $1,000 (the price it's worth and that I'll likely charge for this when I officially launch it...)

Considering fixing just ONE major area of your life is priceless...the ROI is ridiculous.
Here's Why They Joined Dr Czys' Challenge...
Why Will YOU Join The Clarity Challenge??
Check Out What Others Are Saying About The "Clarity Challenge"...
Why Will YOU Join The Clarity Challenge??
"I Promise I'll Be Doing This The Rest Of My Life..."
"Off the college diet and down 7% fat in 6 weeks...."
"From over 300 pounds to dropping 100+ and doing a Spartan..."
Special Bonus For The First 100 People Who Join The Clarity Challenge!
For the first 100 people who claim a spot in the Clarity Challenge, I am also going to GIVE you access to the PRIVATE Facebook community so you can join others to support you (and you support them) on your journey! 
She Never Expected This Life Changing Benefit
You Can Always Lose The Extra Body Fat...Even After Having Kids!!!
"The First Thing I Noticed was Within 2 Weeks My Round Face Went Away..."
This is a VERY Limited Bonus during this promotion - so ACT NOW!
Here's What To Do Next
Like I mentioned before, this challenge is packed with $1,000 in bonuses...for FREE. All I ask is that you help me make it amazing by going through the entire thing and giving me feedback on your way through, and you can get started instantly and from anywhere in the world!

Oh, and in case you're wondering...

There Is No Catch!
I've had a lot of success....

...and I HATE seeing people struggle. 

So, I'm giving you access to my the Clarity Challenge for a fraction of the cost it's actually worth. 

It's time for YOU to get the answers you need, once and for all. 
And Nope...I Don't Get Rich On This Challenge...  
I operate 3 gyms that are completely full (my stuff works) and a supplement company that supports myself and family well, I don't make much money on this challenge (that's not what it's about, it's for you). 

Once you join, you'll understand why. 

Sound fair?
This Is Truly A Limited Offer, So Claim Your Spot In The Clarity Challenge Before They're All Gone...
Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Dr. Steve "This Challenge Is Changing Everything..." Czys
P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

I'm Giving Away $1,000 Worth Of Bonuses Along With My Clarity Challenge, For FREE...  

I want to change your life and get you into the Clarity Challenge for a fraction of the cost it's worth...for two reasons:

1) I truly and sincerely want to change your life. You'll see by the 3 minute mark of the first "golden nugget" video in the Challenge. 

2) I want your feedback as well as ways to improve it so that once I launch it at $1,'s SO dang dialed in it's unbelievable! 

So, Click the button below to join before it's too late and the price goes up. I can't wait for it to arrive and you to dive in. 

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